It's a pretty ballsy move to call anything "The Charisma," but there's certainly worse looks than this one, a sleek black and silver design with just enough gold accenting to give it that je ne sais quoi Gon. You’ll exit above the Jedi Temple, the chest is just above you. To get to the chest, you’ll need to clear the auger pulverizer section.

If this is referring to a particular ship from the Star Wars canon then we're not sure what it is, though we can't help but notice the yellow/black tail flag that seems to mimic the colours of the yellow Naboo starfighters from the Phantom Menace. Again, don't know if it'll be made accessible later, but while the Deluxe edition is still being sold, it seems unlikely. This one doesn't appear to be a reference to anything, but it's still a pretty eye-catching look, tinted dark red with white highlights. Like the previous set of paints, the Crimson isn't accessed as part of a challenge, but through buying the Deluxe edition of Fallen Order. We don't yet know if EA plans to make this available for anybody else at any point in the future, so those who missed their opportunity will have to keep their eye on the news. No idea if Greez was part of that crew, but who knows what was going on offscreen? Interestingly enough, Gold Squadron was actually the name of a squad of Rebel ships that were all destroyed trying to blow up the Death Star at the end of A New Hope.

Gold Squadron was available to anybody who preordered the game, and suitably enough its defining characteristic is… well, goldness, and lots of it. Even after changing it, you'll be able to go back to the Original at any time.

The default appearance when you start the game, the Original is a pretty respectable blue/silver number designed to frame and highlight the ship's pointed shape.

If you want to swap paints, simply go into the pause menu and select the Mantis under "Customization." You'll be shown every skin you've found so far, and by just pressing one you can change the ship's exterior instantly.