The simplest method of halting ALL aging for EVERY Sim on a lot is to use the built-in aging off cheat. Here’s a step-by-step guide for using each of these methods in your game. To disable aging for an entire age group, use the Anti-Aging controller. For individual Sims, use Monique’s Individual Aging mod to turn off aging via the Sim menu.

To age Sims manually, use the No Aging Patch.

So, how do you turn off aging in The Sims 2? Use the “aging off” cheat to turn off aging for ALL Sims. Whether you want to play your family as they are forever and never net them age, or if you just want to prevent aging for a short period of time, it’s easy to do with mods or cheats. There are several ways you can accomplish no aging in The Sims 2.